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Nanjing Road – The Heart of Shanghai Shopping
0Named one of the World’s Seven Great Roads during the 1930s, Nanjing Road of Shanghai today retains the dual honour of being the longest shopping avenue in the world as well as one of its busiest. Over a million shoppers daily frequent the street, which runs a length of 6 kilometres on a west-east axis across the city centre. Boasting a history of over 150 years, this historic street was the earliest retail district in …
Zhouzhuang – the perfect picture post card city
0China is host to many little water cities where lakes and rivers interconnect. However Zhouzhuang is one such water city which is in the limelight. In fact the city which is about one hour away from Shanghai has been dubbed the ‘Venice of the East’. What propelled Zhouzhuang to its high esteem, tourism wise, was a painting by Chen Yifei. This artist exhibited 38 of his paintings in New York. One painting was titled ‘Memory …