Shanghai Hanqiao Linkong Economic Zone – Where Development Begins

Shanghai Honqiao Linkong Economic zone is one of the major three economic groups that are present in China. Shanghai is China’s main trade and financial hub. China has recently become the most rapidly developing economies of the world in the 21st century with a great commercial city attracting millions and millions of tourists annually. This economic zone was established in order to attract large scale investments by multinational companies. This zone is equipped with all the latest high technology and transportation. China being a highly developed country lets Shanghai be its representative since it’s the main economic hub.
 The whole of this area is 2.8 square kilometers. It was initially built for company headquarters and advanced technology centers. With the help of the investments of major organizations the system emphasizes on the centers attractions, favorable regulations, convenient access to transportation and a competent labor force. The economic hub is a very calm environment with pleasant greenery all around. The economic zone is well positioned with the Hongqiao International Airport. The environment keeps improving with the entry of 50 organizations with a registered capital of 100 million RMB. The zone has built up Meiman Private Economic City and Shanghai Returned Overseas Student Pioneering Park for the development of private economy and science and technology. This is the perfect spot for high tech productions and investors.
Major companies like Lenovo group, Zhengda Lotus Storage Market, American Standard, Shanghai Captaino Clothing, and Shanghai Tokyo Micro Motor have invested in the Shanghai Honqiao LinKong Economic Zone. Since this economic zone attracts diverse groups of companies and investors and authorities have concentrated on making it very attractive and convenient. The economic center holds a myriad of great attractions and exquisite five star hotels. The advanced technology has made the development quite attractive and productive. Since they have taken priority in providing convenience to all those who enter the zone. The aim is to construct large scale accommodation neighborhoods and standard factories.
The Shanghai Hanqiao Linkong Economic Zone is a place of visit to those with business and investment interests. On your visit to the financial hub, Millennium Hongqiao Hotel Shanghai is a Shanghai City Hotel which would make your stay comfortable and is a reasonable Shanghai Hotel.

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