The enchanting world down under, forever rippling and pulsating with fascination beyond words is where endless beauty abides. Here is where swarms of silver bodied fish swim in sweet harmony and the stolen colors of the rainbow glitter in the thick formations of coral that edge the boundaries of the great blue deep. To catch a glimpse of this ceaseless beauty, one may step in to the glorious vicinity of the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, where wonders of the deep are beautifully captured and displayed, for the common man to behold and love.
The Shanghai Ocean Aquarium includes a 120 meter tunnel that is considered to be one of the longest tunnels of its kind in the world. Passing through this tunnel, visitors will be able to admire the wonders of the deep displayed in a coastal reef, open ocean, kelp cave, coral reef as well as a shark cove. To become a part of this secret world for one fleeting hour, will undoubtedly spell out sheer bliss.
In the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium one will have the opportunity to see many creatures of the blue waters such as Blue Tang, Chinese Alligator, Archerfish, Chinese Sturgeon, Chinese Water Dragon, Chinese Giant Salamander, Cichlids, Electric Eel, Giant Gourami, Giant Grouper, Freshwater Saw Fish, Horse Shoe Crab, Humboldt Penguin, Japanese Giant Spider Crab, Port Jackson Shark, Leafy Sea Dragon, Rainbow Fish, Weedy Sea Dragon, Moon Jelly, Dragon Moray Eel, Tawny Nurse Shark, Spotted Seal, Walking Catfish, Rainbow Fish and many more interesting species that will fascinate you and thrill you with their sheer loveliness.
When visiting Shanghai, a visit to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium is indeed recommended especially if you plan to visit with children as they will find entertainment as well as education in multiple forms here. It is indeed a place for the whole family, to spend together many happy hours of quiet bliss enjoying the great silence of the deep blue seas that we mortals seldom get to experience.
A Shanghai city hotel such as Millennium Hongqiao Hotel Shanghai can be recommended if you are planning to visit this city of bliss. A Shanghai hotel such as this will also deliver exceptional standards in service given their state of the art facilities, ensuring that your holiday spent there is indeed one not to be forgotten.
Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.